Government Digital Service (GDS) Design Principles

In Best Practice, Disciplines, Experience Design, Public Sector by Fredy Ore

The UK Government Digital Service (GDS) has published some of their Design Principles and examples of how they are being used in government.

  1. Start with needs
  2. Do less
  3. Design with data
  4. Do the hard work to make it simple
  5. Iterate. Then iterate again.
  6. Build for inclusion
  7. Understand context
  8. Build digital services, not websites
  9. Be consistent, not uniform
  10. Make things open: it makes things better

The above are an extension of the original 7 digital principles on Ben Terrett’s Flickr site.

The 7 GDS digital principles
Putting the public first, in delivering digital public services
Digital by default
Putting users first
Learning from the journey
Building a network of trust
Moving barriers aside
Creating an environment for technology leaders to flourish
Don’t do everything yourself (you can’t)