A BBC article, which references a Science Magazine journal, comments on how a faulty gene in dogs has been identified as that which causes epilepsy in dogs. The identified gene …
Bacteria is genetically modified by lightning
New Scientist comments on how Bacteria can be genetically modified with lightning. The article interestingly suggests that bacteria frequently pick up foreign Genes.
The Gene Ontology Consortium
The Gene Ontology (GO) project is a collaborative effort to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products in different databases. The Gene Ontology Consortium‘s aim is to produce …
The world’s first cloned horse is born
New Scientist reports that the first cloned horse is born. Although genetically engineered horses are currently banned against competing in horse racing, some are speculating that soon the rules might …
The Haplotype Map
Gene Expression, a weblog on Genetics and it’s connection to cultural & social issues, has posted a full copy of the interesting Technology Review article from last month titled, Genes, …
Catalyst – The Genius of Junk (DNA)
Here is the transcript of last weeks (Thurs 10 July) ABC’s Catalyst science programme, Genius of Junk, which covered the patenting of Junk DNA. The television programme commented on Dr. …
Scientists complete the Human genome
Scientists have finally completed the Human Genome (also known as the genetic blueprint) three years after a working draft was completed and 2 years ahead of it predicted schedule. BBC …
What is Bioinformatics?
Daniel Steinberg comments on Bioinformatics saying optimistically that the field will not have strong focus in 10 years (2012) as it will have the same/similar context as other scientific disciplines. …
Stupidity should be cured, says James Watson
New scientist comments on James Watson and Francis Crick (Discoverers of DNA structure) views on finding a cure to stupidity. Watson has caused controversy by suggesting that stupidity is a …
Digital image of 1000 bits stored in atom
A digital image made up of 1000 bits has been able to be stored in the atoms of a polymer molecule. www.newscientist.com/hottopics/tech/article.jsp Journal reference: Journal of Chemical Physics (vol, 117 …