Safari Keyboard shortcuts

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Useful Keyboard shortcuts in the new Safari browser

Detecting the Safari Browser

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is a useful Javascript article on detecting various browsers including the beta Safari browser. The website is also linked from if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘Safari’) != -1) { document.write(SafariDetected); } else …

A useful article in All-OSX

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A useful article in All-OSX on using the terminal to open applications faster :::

screen capture shortcut with OS X Jaguar

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article by Ken Bereskin on a screen capture shortcut with OS X Jaguar from the desktop – (command + shift + 4) and from the terminal. :::

Top 10 list of OS X wares

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A useful Top 10 list by Steve Watkins on some Indispensable OS X Wares that make things easier and increases the experience of using Mac OS X :::

Mac OS 9.2.1 Docs & Software downloads

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A link to the Mac OS 9.2.1 Documents and Software available for download from the AppleCare Knowledge Base website :::

Combining Mac and PC wirelessly

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A useful and interesting article on combining a mac and pc wireless 802.11b (Wi-Fi) network :::