Live webcam of the Sun

In Archive by Fredy Ore have a live webcam which points at the sun 24 hours a day. The cam shows a live Ultraviolet view of the Sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory …

The Secret life of Numbers

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Ever wanted to find out which integers were the post popular and most used by people everywhere? Well, someone has now done a study on humanities most popular. You better …

Outbreak revisited? or just smart bugs?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The World Health Organisation for the first time ever has adviced on travel to a specific geographic region because of an outbreak of an infectious disease. This precedent makes me …

What is Bioinformatics?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Daniel Steinberg comments on Bioinformatics saying optimistically that the field will not have strong focus in 10 years (2012) as it will have the same/similar context as other scientific disciplines. …

Marine mammals don't see the ocean as blue

In Archive by Fredy Ore

More on colour vision: I came across one of the most interesting journal articles the other day whilst researching colour vision. I found that whales and seals don’t see the …

The life of Sir David Attenborough

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I watched an excellent documentary on the life of Sir David Attenborough last night on ABC. Presented by Michael Palin the TV special celebrated David Attenborough’s 50 years at the …

Dying planet is consumed by its sun

In Archive by Fredy Ore

ABC Science news comments on a planet orbiting close to its Sun-like star which is shrinking as its mass is violently boiled off by the pressure. The gas giant is …

Dr. Karl lecture at the University of Sydney

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Dr Karl is doing a lecture next week for Science week, titled “Dr Karl’s Great Moments in Science”. The lecture will also be broadcast live from 5:30pm Wednesday March 19 …

The oldest Human Footprints Found

In Science by Fredy Ore

New Scientist comments on the discovery of the world’s oldest footprints. Found at the slope of a volcanic incline they are more than 350,000 years old and are the earliest …

Technology close to connecting brain to machine

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article which comments on new neural interface technologies which will soon connect our minds to machines. The idea which was popularised by film The Matrix, might be closer …

Materials used in Formula 1

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Only a few hours till the start of the Australian Melbourne Grand Prix, I was curious of some of the materials which make up the cars of a Formula 1 …

The CSIRO’s HAIL seminar

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There is an interesting lecture at Macquarie University from the CSIRO’s HAIL (which stands for HCI, Artificial Intelligence and Language) seminar series. The upcoming seminars include, The culture of the …