Rabbit Inc a new AI startup, has introduced a small AI assistant computer called the R1 at this year’s CES 2024 costing approximately $199. Created in collaboration with Teenage Engineering, …
It’s Not the Interface that Makes the Experience
Dave Malouf adds to the recent discussion on Experience Design with a Medium post titled – It’s not the interface that makes the experience. There has been a lot of …
Designing Alarms & Alerts on Johnny Holland
Johnny Holland have written another insightful article, this time on the Design of Alarms & Alerts. The article covers some fundamental interaction design principles such as matching criticality to obtrusiveness, …
Fitt’s law and the new Office 2007 interface
I came across a really interesting blog post by Jensen Harris, on Fitt’s law and new Microsoft Office “Ribbon” user interface. Fitts’ law is a model of human movement, predicting …
Characteristics of Being In Flow & current literature
Victor Bayin has commented on the ACM Ubiquity article by Benjamin B. Bederson titled, Interfaces for Staying in the Flow. I haven’t read it yet, but it looks like an …
The application of semiotics to Icons
Barr, P., et al. published/presented a great paper at the Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003) in Adelaide earlier this year, titled Icons R Icons. The paper looks at the …
What is Fitts law? and its relation to HCI
Here is a PDF document based on the research by Shumin Zhai, an IBM Research Staff Member, which extends the law developed by Fitts in 1954. Fitts Law is a …