Markme Flash Accessibility examples

In Archive by Fredy Ore

With the recent WE04 Conference focusing on accessibility via standards compliance, such as using CSS2, and future CSS3. I thought I’d look into the other uses of accessible techniques and …

Colour selection with Scheme Generator 2

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Web Style have created a useful colour tool that helps in the selection of colour combinations. The tool creates suitable colour combinations within various palettes that are comfortable and pleasant …

Web Essentials 04 – Web Standards conference

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The Web Essentials 04 conference in Sydney from the 30th September-1 October will focus on the use and application of web standards, development and accessibility. Guest speakers and presenters include …

Some websites on colour blindness

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Colour Blindness ::: other colour vision websites [1] The International Colour Vision Society ::: [2] VisiBone ::: [3] Optimising Colour on LCD :::