Web Style have created a useful colour tool that helps in the selection of colour combinations. The tool creates suitable colour combinations within various palettes that are comfortable and pleasant …
IAThink on colour blindness and usability
Heidi Adkisson from IA Think has posted an interesting blog entry on some of the usability concerns with colour blindness and the hyperlink.
See your website as a colour blind user
37 Signals comment on a tool which converts your webpage design as if you were colour-blind. www.37signals.com/svn/archives/000106.php There are some interesting links and comments and useful resources there, and on …
The international "Disability World" website
A list of accessibility websites I’ve recently been to: 1. The International Disability World web-zine ::: www.disabilityworld.org 2. The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Legislation and Policy …
Some websites on colour blindness
Colour Blindness ::: www.delamare.unr.edu/cb other colour vision websites [1] The International Colour Vision Society ::: http://orlab.optom.unsw.edu.au/ICVS [2] VisiBone ::: www.visibone.com/colorlab [3] Optimising Colour on LCD ::: www.ssc.mhie.ac.uk/VI_Video/N_VIDEO
Create Online’s big issue on Accessibility
Create Online’s big issue focuses on Website Accessibility. Access for all; able and disabled people. While the new media industry talks up 3D, video and other visual forms, how are …