Protecting works from copyright in Australia

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The Australian Copyright Council have a useful introductory article on protecting writing, visual imagery, music and moving imagery with copyright in Australia. The website also contains useful information sheets, publications, news pages and useful links.
Screenrights for example, is a body that assists Educators where it is difficult or impossible to negotiate individual copyright clearances, in film and television. Following lobbying by both the film industry and the education sector, provisions were introduced into the Australian Copyright Act allowing educational institutions to copy from radio and television without having to obtain individual copyright clearances, provided they pay a fee. Screenrights was appointed by the Government to administer these provisions.

Here is a listing of past issues of Australia’s Attorney-General Department (AGD) e-news on Copyright.
Australian Law Online provides further legal information by the Australian Government to give all Australians access to Government legal information and services available nationwide. The site contains also a map where you can access more direct government legal information by Commonwealth, State and Territories.