Referential & Experiential blog users

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting discussion and blog post about two identified types of blog users.

  1. Referential
  2. Experiential

It’s interesting because when building blog and personalisation areas to websites, we can now identify these user types, their use of a blog and design the User Experience in a particular way that enhances Community Building.

Here’s a quote from the discussions:

The referential blogger uses the link as his fundamental unit of currency, building posts around ideas and experiences spawned elsewhere: Look at this. Referential bloggers are reporters, delivering pointers to and snippets of information, insight or entertainment happening out there, on the Intraweb. They can, and do, add their own information, insight and entertainment to the links they unearth — extrapolations, juxtapositions, even lengthy and personal anecdotes — but the outward direction of their focus remains their distinguishing feature.

The experiential blogger is inwardly directed, drawing entries from personal experience and opinion: How about this. They are storytellers (and/or bores), drawing whatever they have to offer from their own perspective. They can, and do, add links to supporting or explanatory information, even unique and undercited external sources. But their motivation, their impetus, comes from a desire to supply narrative, not reference it.