Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) is the robotics acronym for computationally constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment, while at the same time keeping track of people or …
Preserving expression, thinking & longevity within Design
Shane Hudson has written a nice article on 24 Ways which touches on an area I’ve been thinking a lot recently – preserving expression, longevity and thinking within Design. His …
Detailed visualization Maps of the US mid term Elections
I came across this Interactive feature in The Upshot NYT section showing voting results from the recent US Senate Mid Term Elections. The Maps are by Amanda Cox, Mike Bostock, …
MapCruncher: Interactive Web Maps Come to Life
MapCruncher – a prototype technology from Microsoft Research that makes it easy for users to create their own, personalized mash-ups – may revolutionize the way people use online maps. An …