A really interesting Clay Shirky talk from Web 2.0 Expo NY. His talk “It’s Not Information Overload. It’s Filter Failure” challenges the idea that we’ve got information overload problems (we’ve …
What is etymology and folk-etymology?
Etymology is the study of the origins of words. Through old texts and comparison with other languages, etymologists reconstruct the history of words – when they entered a language, from …
Peter Morville, keynote speaker at EuroIA in Berlin September, 2006
This year’s European IA summit in Berlin, to be held on the weekend of Sept 30 – Oct 1, 2006, looks to be one of this year’s not-to-be-missed conferences for …
IBM User Experience Technical Report: Inside Social Network Analysis
I came across this interesting article the other day, whilst doing a little research at work on Social Networking. The paper titled, Inside Social Network Analysis, is a technical report …
Oz-IA 2006 Conference, Sydney (September)
Eric Scheid forwarded me an email on the forthcoming OZ-IA conference in Sydney later this year. :) It’s great to hear this conference is happening back home! I remember (while …
The Wealth of Networks (PDF’s)
The Wealth of Networks – PDF’s Download PDF’s of the book under the Creative Commons Noncommercial Sharealike license. The wiki where the PDF’s reside is a collaborative and research website …
Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences
Peter Merholz posted an interesting dicussion the other day on the classification of systems becoming invisible through use. Bowker and Star showed that classification systems become invisible through use, but …
The new ISBN 13-digit numbers and the history of ISBN
I was reading up on the introduction of the new 13-digit ISBN numbers and I was curious about its history. Here are some articles which comment on the history of …
Assumed knowledge & the next big challenge: learning French
Being new to the UK and also the european community, I am finding that my short stay here so far, has introduced both a huge list of immediate challenges, such …
The McKinsey view on What is Next in Mobile Telecom
McKinsey & Co. have written some very informative and useful articles on how to keep mobile subscribers loyal. The proven adoption of an approach known as Customer Lifetime Management (CLM) …
W. Daniel Hillis view of the Knowledge Web (Aristotle)
Edge.org has published an interesting article on the 2000 prescient paper by W. Daniel Hillis titled, “Aristotle”, in which he proposes “The Knowledge Web”. The 2000 paper, covers a similar …
What is the value of a corporate taxonomy
OVUM have recently published a interesting research content management report titled, The corporate taxonomy: creating a new order by Eric Woods. The report is available online or as a PDF …
Language, Biology, and the Mind by Gary Marcus
I came across an interesting scientific interview with Gary Marcus, in Edge.org titled, Language, Biology, and the Mind. The interview looks at the interesting process of language acquisition, cognitive development, …
NCO/IT R&D – HCI and IM research papers
Challis Hodge has forward a link to some research papers by the NCO/IT R&D (the US National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development). The papers cover Human Computer …
IBM Systems Journal on Knowledge Management
The IBM Systems Journal have a series of interesting papers on Knowledge Management topics including, Human and Social factors, Speech as a knowledge resource, Where did KM come from?, Strategic …
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