With over 100 sensors and 6.5 billion data points delivered in real-time, today the F1 is as much as about predicting the future as it is about shaving milliseconds on the circuit. …
Documentary of Sound Designer Ben Burtt (1989)
This 10 minute documentary from 1989 covers the efforts into sound design in the 1990’s, including the recording of sounds for films and television. Ben Burtt is an American sound …
BBC Radio 4’s Archive on 4 – The Sound of Sport
When we think of the sound of sport on TV or radio, it’s generally commentary. But what’s around the commentary? Broadcast sport would be nothing without the crowds, the kicks, the …
IA Summit 06 Redux
According to recent academic and business research, there is an enormous wave of people on its way to adulthood that may very well take us by surprise. And while many …
Learning about the Sennheiser HD-25
Recently I’ve been looking at getting myself a new set of headphones for the iPod and I came across the Sennheiser HD-25. Here is a thorough and quite detailed review …
A list of Electronic Music Genres
I came across this really useful list of Electronic Music Genres from Wikipedia. With rapid increases in styles and unclear labels of Electronic music (in my part) over recent years, …
Is that an iPod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Happy New year, and welcome to the first post of 2005. I’m really excited to be back online and looking forward to a really great and exciting year head here …
Master of Interactive Multimedia
I graduated from my Master of Interactive Multimedia (MIMM) the other day alongside some postgrad and undergrad friends and peers from IML, the Faculty of IT and Science Faculty at …
The W3C SSML becomes a W3C Recommendation
The W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) has become a W3C Recommendation on 7 September 2004. This standard, aims to enable access to the Web using spoken interaction as an …
WireTap lets you record any audio in OS X
Ambrosia, the company who developed Snapz Pro X, a screen capture tool for the mac, have developed a nifty cool new utility called WireTap, that let’s you capture any bit …
Is music older than language?
Here is a fascinating blog entry by Ottmar Liebert on our human ability to enjoy Music. His blog entry and also user comments have brought up an interesting discussion suggesting …
Bose create new noise cancelling headset
Bose have release a new headset which lets you cancel out sound and enjoy the sound of silence. Pretty nitfty. If only everything came also in these cancelling and “anti” …
Converting images to sound
Listening to Triple J’s J-Files tonight while driving home, I came across the technique used by music artist Aphex Twin (aka Richard D. James) to convert imagery to sound, which …
Natural language is coming to a computer near you
Wade Roush from Technology Review comments on the goal to make natural language the norm when searching for any type of information, anywhere. The article titled, Computers That Speak Your …
Phonetically searching Audio
Technology Review posts an interesting article by John Harney titled, The Grammar of Sound which looks at a new software by a company called Fast-Talk Communications that allows a new …
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