Universal Dimensions for evaluating Social & Physical spaces

In Architecture, Disciplines, Experience Design by Fredy Ore

Kevin-Lynch-Book-Good-City-FormToday I revisited the Universal Dimensions described in the Kevin Lynch book Good City Form for evaluating Social & Physical spaces.

If you haven’t heard of this book, I totally recommend it, as parts of the Dimensions described by Lynch are becoming more and more applicable in User Experience Design, and the wider field of Design including environments and spaces.

The dimensions Kevin Lynch covers are:

  1. Vitality
  2. Sense
  3. Fit
  4. Access & Control
  5. Efficiency

Other links to Kevin Lynch papers & books include:
Understanding Neighborhoods Through Mental Mapping, which looks at other applications of Lynch’s classic text The Image of the City (1960 by The M.I.T. Press).

MIT Collection of Papers by Kevin Lynch from 1934-1988