I came across this interesting article the other day, whilst doing a little research at work on Social Networking. The paper titled, Inside Social Network Analysis, is a technical report …
IA Summit 06 Redux
According to recent academic and business research, there is an enormous wave of people on its way to adulthood that may very well take us by surprise. And while many …
The Wealth of Networks (PDF’s)
The Wealth of Networks – PDF’s Download PDF’s of the book under the Creative Commons Noncommercial Sharealike license. The wiki where the PDF’s reside is a collaborative and research website …
Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences
Peter Merholz posted an interesting dicussion the other day on the classification of systems becoming invisible through use. Bowker and Star showed that classification systems become invisible through use, but …
The marketing value of social networks
Alexa comments on the marketing value of social networks and graphs its growth from January 2003 to September 2004. See also: Unlocking the elusive potential of social networks – McKinsey …
Interview with Greg Joswiak on how AirTunes works
Cafedave posted a link to a Macworld article that briefly explains how AirTunes works. It is an interview with Greg Joswiak, Apple’s Vice President of Hardware Product Marketing. There are …
The SyncML open standard & Data Sync
SyncML is an open standard for the wireless mobile industry, that allows for mobility of information by establishing a common language and protocol for communications between devices, applications and networks. …
Did you say Wi-Fi or Hi-Fi?
Technology Review comment on the changing face of Wi-Fi (802.11b). From wireless access points to audio-video streaming network servers. The article comments on Steve Dossick and his company’s frustration with …
Aaron Swartz on the future of wireless networking
Aaron Swartz comments on the possible future of wireless networking. Somewhat witty, the blog post comments on what would happen when overly saturated wireless networks become too crowded and demand …
What is Network Based Integration?
Network Based Integration referes to the way in which software is developed and in relation to the way the developed software meets the needs of the system. The architecture of …
Protocol promises faster Web services
An interesting article by Sandeep Junnarkar from CNET News.com on a new protocal that promises a faster future of web services ::: http://news.com.com/2100-1001-982905.html
Who's to blame for Slammer worm
The search for who to blame increases after last weeks “Slammer” worm virus slowed down the web. This CNN Tech article by Jeordan Legon comments on the vulnerabilities of SQL2000, …
WakeOnLAN Utility for OS X
I came across this utility which wakes a PC and Apple Mac using WOL. The program uses perl ::: www.tc.umn.edu/~olve0003/wake550.html
2002 Map of the Internet
A look at the new 2002 Map of the Internet ::: www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/posters/techie/5c26
SAIC network designed specifically to catch and study hackers behaviour
I was speaking to Kevin on my way home the other night, about this article and the SAIC network designed specifically to catch and study hackers behaviours. The article was …
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