Live webcam of the Sun

In Archive by Fredy Ore

…Observatory (SOHO). Displayed in green, this colour code by NASA’s imagers is representative of objects that are approximately 1.5 million degrees. Further Reading: What is a webcam on a computer?…

Beautiful digital photography at Digiteyesed

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There are some beautiful digital photographs in Sean David McCormick’s – Digiteyesed online portfolio site. The collection includes, Black-White and Colour stills, people, architecture, landscape, animals, nature and macros. The…

VisiBone Popups

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is a great tool I saw a friend developer using the other day, VisiBone’s HTML, HEX colour and Decimal Color Popups. You might think, “how old skool!”, but they…

EyeToy for Playstation2

In Archive by Fredy Ore

…and some puzzles. The user can track hand and body movements and colour on screen in real-time via the PlayStation2, with no delay or lag allowing users to interact with…

Building Accessible Websites book by Joe Clark

In Archive by Fredy Ore

…mobility-impaired person (and, to a lesser extent, for a blind person), moving around within Websites is tedious. Learn how to ease the tedium 09. Type and colour Colourblindness explicated. In…